Thursday, October 2, 2008

My T.P.S. report won't balance...

Did I mention that I got a job.  I mean another job.  Yes 'tis the life of a beeper.  Can't stay in one place too long.  Anyway, now I am subbing for the Fairfield Suisun Unified School District.  I am working as a front office clerical substitute.  So far I have worked 4 assignments.  This latest one working for a week at the District Office.  

One of my assignments this week involves a spreadsheet that is supposed to balance with a budget sheet.  Long story short... it doesn't balance.  On top of everything else my boss is a little crazy.  Not the kind of fun crazy that I am.  I'm talking a real nut job.  It sucks!  I don't even want to go back tomorrow, but the assignment is for one more day and I have to stick it out.  I'm just frustrated because half the time I just sit there and stare at the stupid paper or computer and the other half I'm trying to figure out what my crazy boss wants me to do.

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