Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Duffel Bags

I have happened upon a new obsession.  Duffel bags.  I have been making duffel bags the past few days.  I made this one for my nephew Jax who is turning 1.  I also made one for Adam, but he says it looks too much like a purse.  Whatever!  I have also figured out that I can make 2 bags out of 1 yard of fabric and 1 yard of lining.  If I get lucky and find some cool fabric in the dollar bin then I can put one of these together for about $4.  That's awesome.  Plus I can embroider anything I want on them.   I think I know what everyone's getting for Christmas this year...


Matt Skinner said...

For Christmas, I would like a green duffel bug with the words "The Incredible Matt" embroidered on it.

Thanks in advance,


The view from Crazy said...

I'll check the dollar bin for "Incredible" green...