Monday, January 19, 2009

Round Table is YUMMY (and I went to the gym)

So my mom is here and she LOVES Round Table.  She doesn't have Round Table in Colorado so every time she is here we have to go out to Round Table.  That was tonight.  I think I undid all of my hard work at the gym this morning.  I decided to up my workout and instead of doing 2 miles I am going to do 2.5.  So that's what I did.  Anyway we ordered an extra large pepperoni and olive and 12 cinnamon twists.  A few minutes later the gal came out with 12 regular garlic twists.  We were like "Um we ordered the cinnamon twists".  They read the tag wrong so they went back to make the cinnamon twists and since the garlic twists were already done they gave them to us for free.  Nothing tastes better then free food and let me tell you, they were good.  So we ate about half of the garlic twists and 3/4 of the pizza and everyone except me had one cinnamon twists.  I know what I'm having for lunch tomorrow!

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