So I have been looking for a part time job to help supplement our income since we moved in to the new house. I have been applying all over town. I probably submitted 10 applications or inquiries. I didn't hear anything back. I had noticed the old Benwood Furniture store was becoming a halloween store. I had checked the web site multiple times to see if they were looking for workers. The web site said that they would post openings at the end of July. Not true.
So I was looking for specific hours that I was available. I only wanted to work while the kids are in school. I only wanted to work part time as to not affect my Social Security. So I prayed about it. I didn't pray constantly I just prayed about it and gave it to God.
Anyway, one day I was driving home and noticed a sign outside that said "job fair". I went in and filled out an application. The district manager was there and interviewed me on the spot. Before I left he said "I have to check out your application, but I'm telling you either way I'm hiring you". He told me that he'd be calling me Sunday evening, but if he didn't get around to calling me then I should call him Monday morning.
Well he called me TODAY! He wants me to come in tomorrow at 12:30 to work out the details of my hiring. I am so excited. This job is everything I prayed for! And I found out today that I can work for up to 9 months without any income restrictions.
Bottom line: GOD IS GOOD!
So maybe you're thinking that a "halloween store" isn't the best place for a wholesome christian woman to be working. Well I thought about that at first, but then I really thought about it and what better place to be to show people that "we" are normal fun loving people who just happen to love God. I fully intend on wearing my SVC shirts during the store set up period when we can show up in jeans and t-shirts. I just want to witness to people by being myself. I want to shine for our Lord.
Maybe I'm not so crazy after all. Or maybe I'm crazier than I thought...
Congrats, Sarah! I celebrate with you .. shine your light girl. That's what we're called to do.
Boo - Good Job
I wonder if Dizguise Costumes will be doing the same in my area.
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