Saturday, July 18, 2009

FSUSD (part 2)

After speaking with the district office again I was informed that the only way to get Angela into B. Gale Wilson School is to apply for open enrollment. Adam decided to go down there in person and speak to someone. He went to the office of Secondary Education and ended up talking with the secretary. She informed him that the only way to get Angela to go to B. Gale is to apply for open enrollment. He was not satisfied with this so he asked to speak to William Luna who is the head of Administrative Services. She gave him directions to get to his office. When Adam got up there he found Mr. Luna's secretary. He explained the situation to her and she informed him that if we wanted Angela to go to B. Gale we would have to apply for open enrollment and there was nothing we/they could do. Not being satisfied with this Adam informed the secretary lady that if Angela is not enrolled at B. Gale Wilson school we would have no choice other than to home school. This got her attention and all of a sudden she was very cooperative. She went into another office and when she came back out she told Adam that she would e-mail the principals of both schools and let them know. We just need to get her file from Sullivan and make sure it gets to B. Gale. It's as simple as that.

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